Here To Teach & Share

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For the past 30 years I have been involved in marketing and design, but the last 12 years has been the best time of my career and I am very grateful for the opportunities I have been able to work towards. One thing I never really focused on was building a website and letting people know more about me. So this is my place to share latest news, event info, knowledge, opportunities, information, resources and more. A huge part of most of my successes have come from sharing and helping others. I will continue to do so through this new website, my newsletter The Creative Rush, and my podcast, He Shoots, He Draws. Thanks again for your support.

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Adobe Accreditations

Adobe Certified Professional
Adobe Certified Professional
Adobe Certified Professional Visual Design

“Ever since I have been in the design industry I have never stopped learning, there is always something new to make you better, then share that knowledge with others.”